Pedra do Sal – The Place Where the Samba was Born

Let’s start with a question for you: Do you know where the samba was born? One of the most famous rhythms of Brazil, was born in Rio de Janeiro most exactly in Pedra do Sal (Salt Stone).
This post will give you more details of the area, a little bit about the historical question and where to enjoy the most traditional samba in the city! Read our post!
If you searched ‘Pedra do Sal’ it is because you probably heard about its famous parties ! And you’re on the right track.
The Samba at Pedra do Sal is the most traditional of Rio de Janeiro. It happens every monday (it’s canceled when it’s raining) after 8 pm.
You don’t have to pay to enjoy the party, it’s always for free, from the people to the people.
In the place there’s a lot of tents selling food and drinks. The tents are in the bottom of the stone and in the streets that give access to the samba. The majority of the people that work there are the people that lives at Conceição Hill.
There are caipirinhas and beer for really reasonable prices, since in this area the party is more popular. Many other types of drinks can be easily found at the place.
In the tents of food they have street food, like the famous ‘espetinho’, really typical in the city. It can be of meat, chicken or sausage, and it’s made like a barbecue
The samba starts around 8 pm and the group plays until midnight. After that the party goes on in different rhythms until 2 am in the morning.
The port area is more frequented in the samba days at Pedra do Sal.
The main audience consists of tourists who want to know better the locals activities and traditional music. It is noteworthy that this event is a “Roda de Samba”.
Fridays also has the samba at Pedra do Sal. But it’s not organized by the same group, so it’s not as famous as the one that happens on Mondays. But if by any chance, you don’t have the time to go on the most traditional day, it worth to try in the weekends.
In Rio de Janeiro there is no dress code to go out at night. To enjoy the party even Havaianas (flip flops) are well seen, haha! You don’t have to worry about it, the rule is to stay comfortable to enjoy the most of it.
Another important tip is to avoid going out with expensive and flashy objects, it’s better to choose going out with just the money to have some food and drinks, but not to much.
Address: Rua Argemiro Bulcão, s/n – Centro (Largo João da Baiana)
Starting time: Monday 20h
Telephone: (21) 99701-8905 / 97381-6490
Tickets: free admission
Facebook: Roda de Samba Pedra do Sal
Youtube: Roda de Samba Pedra do Sal
We already know that the samba it the most popular rhythm, but what instruments do the groups use? To play the samba usually the musicians use instruments such as: guitar, cavaquinho, reco-reco de bambu, cuíca, surdo and pandeiro.
At this popular party, no microphones are required, also they don’t use elaborated structures.
The samba is played with natural voice (in portuguese: no gogó) like a more intimate concert, with the help of the public that are around the group.
In a way to preserve the cultural importance of the place, it’s frequent to have some groups that promote activities like historical workshops with the participation of people that are studious of the theme, some theatrical and musical plays were promoted, and film screenings.
At the place it’s always possible to find thematic and typical food. This is really important to the new generation to understand better all the slavery process and all those facts that are part of brazilian history.
If you want to know more about this area and understand better the african heritage in Brazil, join our Free Walking Tour Olympic Boulevard and have an amazing experience with our team of walkers.
Pedra do Sal is part of Historical and Religious Heritage of the country, this region is considered one sacred place for rituals of religions of African origin.
On december 2, is celebrated the National Day of Samba, and Pedra do Sal goes through one ritual that’s similar to a ritual that they do in Bahia, with a cleaning of the rock in a huge party. This ritual is attended by members of Quilombo da Pedra do Sal, members of candomblé and carnival groups.
Pedra do Sal is recognized as the best Samba in Rio and already received awards for this. Not only the cariocas and the people who live around that enjoy the traditional samba.
Nowadays we can see the presence of tourists that are looking to know better the place and even try to dance samba.
Really famous for the samba, right? But what is the history of this so cultural area? We’ll tell you now!
Pedra do Sal is located at Conceição Hill, in Praça Mauá which functioned as an old salt discharge port around 1608. The salt was used for leather making and meat conservation, so that’s why the name of the place, which is located in Docks Area at downtown of the city.
This place is also known as Little Africa, because a lot of descendants from África were here to to live around this area because it was a cheap part of the city and they would have more opportunities for jobs with the salt, most of them were manumitted slaves from Bahia.
In the nineteenth century slaves extracted stone cuts from the site for the construction of the streets and the port of Rio de Janeiro. The architecture of the place is made up of colorful houses, a staircase and a historic stone slope.
Due to the influence of local residents and the intention to preserve the cultural memory of the 19th century, Pedra do Sal is considered the “Crib of Samba”.
According to reports and research about the place, the rhythms of samba and choro were present in the parties that happened there and continue happening.
With meetings of some very special names like Pixinguinha, the original Samba de Roda was born and the great popular samba artists were born.
Nowadays Pedra do Sal is the scene of lively and famous Roda de Samba of the Roda de Pedra group. The group is made up of some friends who always meet on Mondays.
At a central table, outdoor, for almost a decade at the foot of the “stone” is where they play the Brazilian rhythm that delights the whole world.
Guys, Pedra do Sal and all this popular beauty is amazing, right? We are in love with this part of the city and all its historical importance!