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The nightlife of Paraty

The nightlife of Paraty

Paraty is a place that has many options of morning and afternoon tours. We have boat trips, jeep rides, beautiful beaches, and a walkto discover the historical center. But what about the nightlife in Paraty? In this post, we will give you some tips!

If you want more tips about the city, read our post about Paraty Tours and you can plan the perfect trip!

Bars at the Main Square

Praça Matriz is perhaps the busiest place in the historical center of Paraty. There we have several options for dining, having a drink or just relaxing at the square drinking some beer.

Some of the most popular bars are those that play live music. At Praça da Matriz, we have the Sarau Restaurante, which it has daily shows by local artists and it plays good Brazilian music. The food is excellent and also the drinks!

Be sure to try the typical drink of Paraty: Jorge Amado, prepared with Gabriela cachaça (clove and cinnamon flavor), lemon and passion fruit.

Another nice restaurant-bar is Casa Coupé.They have live music on the weekends and it’s one of the most traditional restaurants in the historical center. Their menu is really good and a lot of options.

If you want more recommendation about restaurants, read our post Restaurants of Paraty!


Samba da Benção

It has already become a tradition thing to do on Mondays and it’s on the city’s informal calendar. Samba da Benção is organized by local artists who play samba, partido alto and Brazilian music. It takes place every Monday, except when it rains, at Praça Matriz.

Some locals say that the places was chosen to honor the African ancestors who disembark in Paraty during the colonial times, when the Praça da Matriz was used as a slave cemetery.

It’s a beautiful and very meaningful party!


Paraty has an official calendar with all festivals, religious or not, in the city. Every weekend, we have something different going on in Paraty. The most famous festivals are FLIP (international book fair), the Divino festival, the Cachaça Festival and the Bourbon Jazz Festival. You can plan your trip to see one of these festivals!

The calendar always comes out in November of the previous year. And you can check everything here!

The SESC of Paraty (cultural center) has several amazing activities with concerts and performances. It’s worth knowing more on their Facebook page as well.

Want to discover more about the history of Paraty, curiosities and tips? Take our Free Walking Tour Paraty.

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