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When was Rio de Janeiro founded?

When was Rio de Janeiro founded?

When was Rio de Janeiro founded? 1s March of 1565, by Estácio de Sá. And the city was not founded by chance. What happened then? Why Rio was founded? Read more and find out everything 🙂 We need to start talking about Brazil’s colonization by the Portuguese. When they arrived here, they did not find gold close to the coast....

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Why did Brazil change their capital from Rio to Brasilia

Why did Brazil change their capital from Rio to Brasilia

Why did Brazil change their capital from Rio to Brasilia? Rio de Janeiro was Brazilian second capital. The city lost its position in 1960 to the city of Brasilia. Read the text and find out the details of this transition and why it happened. It all starts on Brazilian independence eve, when José Bonifacio (a Brazilian Politician), realized that the...

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Why was Rio de Janeiro chosen to be the capital of Brazil?

Why was Rio de Janeiro chosen to be the capital of Brazil?

One of the most asked questions on our free walking tours is: why was Rio de Janeiro chosen to be the capital of Brazil? The second capital of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, was established in the year of 1763. But which was the first Brazilian capital? Salvador, in Bahia. It was the capital of Brazil since the discovery until the...

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Why Rio de Janeiro was given its name?

Why Rio de Janeiro was given its name?

Why Rio de Janeiro was given its name? The biggest geographical mistake of Brazilian history. Discover all the history behind the name of Rio de Janeiro São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro. This is the official name of the second largest city in Brazil! A lot o people ask why Rio de Janeiro has its name? What is the origin...

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What is Rio de Janeiro known for producing? Rio’s de Janeiro economy

What is Rio de Janeiro known for producing? Rio’s de Janeiro economy

Rio de Janeiro is located in Southeast of Brazil, being the smallest of the four states of the region. Despite being a small territory, it presents the third biggest population of Brazil and the second biggest GDP (9,7% of Brazilian National GDP!). However, what is Rio de Janeiro known for producing? Read the article until the end and find out....

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