LGBTQIAPN+ Resistance Tour Rio de Janeiro

LGBTQIAPN+ Resistance Tour Rio de Janeiro
Immerse yourself in the rich history, go through the different phases and crucial moments of the LGBTQIAPN+ community, and discover the remarkable personalities who shaped this trajectory. Explore the inspiring legacies and remarkable achievements of iconic figures who challenged norms, drove meaningful change, and promoted acceptance and inclusion for all.
Reservation required
Tour duration Approximately 3 hours
Meeting point: In front of CRAB SEBRAE (Praça Tiradentes)
More informationYou will visit the history of the NGO Grupo Arco-Íris, one of the oldest LGBTQIAPN+ entities in the city and responsible for the gay parade in Rio de Janeiro. Let’s learn about important points for resistance in the city and reflect on violence against the community.
At the end we will visit a museum with a very rich collection of speeches and images involving the LGBTQIAPN+ community in Rio de Janeiro and we will end in the most bucolic neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro with a delicious lunch (drinks not included).
We hope you have a welcoming, respectful and safe environment, where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their way of loving.
Join our tour and be surprised by the community’s legacy for a more inclusive world, through these personalities and stories, and their great spirit of resilience.
Let’s celebrate, together, the diversity and resilience of the LGBTQIAPN+ community in the vibrant heart of Rio de Janeiro.
Why join us?
Quality: Our itinerary was lovingly designed bringing the best of LGBTQIAPN+ history to Rio de Janeiro.
Experience: You will meet other people who are on vacation in Rio de Janeiro with similar values to yours. An excellent environment to make new friends, especially at our lunch at the end.
Inspiration: Knowing our history strengthens us, brings more awareness about rights and inspires us to imagine and build a different future.
Reservation required
Approximately 3 hours
In front of CRAB SEBRAE (Praça Tiradentes)